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Recold JW Engineering Data 1.99 MB 56 downloads

Recold engineering has developed an exclusive water distribution system called hydrospray....


Classifying Cooling Towers 1.87 MB 70 downloads

The cooling tower industry has devised several ways to classify cooling towers to...


Seismic Loads – How They Relate to Cooling Towers 369.44 KB 53 downloads

Like many large structures, cooling towers undergo seismic forces that need to be...


Fluid Cooler Pump Thermostat 1.28 MB 36 downloads

The Johnson Controls A72 Series thermostat (Marley part number C00607) is used in...


S Series Geareducer 550.55 KB 48 downloads

S Series Geareducers include both a custom Inpro/Seal® input shaft seal and an output...


Basin Heater Control – Steam Injector 686.43 KB 52 downloads

The basin heater system is pre-engineered, UL listed and CSA approved for cooling...


Cube BTC Evap Condenser Engineering Data and Specifications – SGS 1.11 MB 62 downloads

The Cube represents the synergy derived from combining the efforts and strengths...


Marley NC Engineering Data 3.06 MB 70 downloads

Engineering Data and Technical Reference for Marley NC cooling towers. The NC is...


Marley NC Fiberglass Engineering Data and Specifications 4.14 MB 41 downloads

NC Fiberglass engineering data, specifications and specification values for base...